Appmixer Embedded Integrations Demo

This demo shows you how to embed Appmixer Integrations in your own web application.

1. Try the Appmixer Integrations UI

The Appmixer Integrations UI allows end-users of your application to browse and activate integrations that you pre-built for them in the Appmixer Studio.

Try it yourself and activate an integration by clicking on the integration tile and configuring the integration.

Note that this integration will run in the context of an Appmixer virtual user that was created for you in the background when you opened this page.

The Integration marketplace is rendered in the page natively, using the Appmixer JavaScript SDK. It is not included in an iframe.

2. Trigger the integration by sending an App Event

Once you have activated an integration, you can trigger it by sending an App Event to Appmixer (assuming your integration starts with the OnAppEvent trigger). This is normally done using the Appmixer JavaScript SDK or an HTTP request:

        appmixer.api.sendAppEvent('contact-created', { first: 'David', last: 'Doe' });
        curl -XPOST \
           -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           -H "Authorization: Bearer VIRTUAL_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
           -d '{ "first": "David", "last": "Doe" }' \

In this demo, you can send an App Event using the helper form below. This is to simulate a real-world scenario where you would send an App Event from your own application code.